Kindle Tips

How to Self Publish on Kindle

Over the last few years eBooks have become increasingly popular and more and more authors are choosing to publish […]

Kindle Publishing FAQs

The Kindle EBook Store

The main factor that has played a part in the success of Kindle is perhaps the Kindle eBook store. […]

Kindle The Top EBook Reader

Kindle is without doubt the best selling eBook reader on the market that has changed the way we read, […]

Kindle Money Mastery

Publishing on Kindle

Publish on Kindle as a Web Marketing Strategy

More and more web marketers are taking the plunge to publish on Kindle as a web marketing strategy. Not only does it allow you to promote your work and ideas but it is also a fast way to reach out to a larger audience and ultimately make money. So what exactly is the Kindle? Well, in basic terms the Kindle is an electronic device made and promoted by Amazon. The device itself is comparable to the size of a large paperback book and allows people to read […]

Publishing for Kindle

Publishing for Kindle is not as hard as you may think. In fact each year more and more authors are opting for this publishing method as a means to get their written work out there. Without a doubt publishing for Kindle is proving to be not only popular but also a very lucrative business. The hardest thing about publishing on Kindle is deciding on a subject matter to write about. Not all Kindle eBooks are very long so there is no need to worry about content if […]

Get Publishing on Kindle

Ever thought about writing a book? If the answer is yes but you have been put off by rejection from publishing houses then worry not. Each year more and more people are gaining confidence in the literary world as a result of eBooks. How do they do it? They get publishing on Kindle! Authors have been known to sell thousands of copies of their books as a result of using the simple online Amazon Kindle format. It is the easiest way to take control and watch your […]

eBooks and Publishing on Kindle

Never before has publishing been easier, thanks to Amazon Kindle. And it really is the easiest way to get your written work out there. In today’s literacy market more and more authors are opting for the eBook format as the way to sell their work. Sales of eBooks and publishing on Kindle have become increasingly popular over the past few years with more and more authors making not only a name for themselves but also a tidy profit. EBooks and publishing on Kindle is perhaps the future […]