eBooks and Publishing on Kindle

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Never before has publishing been easier, thanks to Amazon Kindle. And it really is the easiest way to get your written work out there. In today’s literacy market more and more authors are opting for the eBook format as the way to sell their work.

Sales of eBooks and publishing on Kindle have become increasingly popular over the past few years with more and more authors making not only a name for themselves but also a tidy profit. EBooks and publishing on Kindle is perhaps the future of authors and readers alike. Not only does it offer a simple and easy way to actually publish a book but it is also a great platform for advertising new titles on a daily basis.

Sales of hardbacks and paperbacks continue but prices are considerably more elevated per sale. EBooks and publishing on Kindle not only allows authors the choice of royalty figures, providing they own the copyright over the material but also the option to use Amazons lending library. Therefore the money to be made by authors can reach considerably higher profit levels and each new title can be available to buy online within days!

Never before has writing and selling book been easier and for this reason it comes as no surprise that eBooks and publishing on Kindle has become as popular as it is. In addition to the ease of using this online platform, eBooks and publishing on Kindle is also the “green” option and this is also an added advantage which appeals to more and more Amazon and Kindle users.

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